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We are located in Calhan, Colorado and are a loving community that comes together to worship, learn, and serve God in community.

Historic Christianity

Anglicanism is one of the ancient Christian traditions and communions. We are glad to follow the faith once delivered to the Apostles. We adhere to the historic Creeds of the Church, the 39 articles, and the Bible as the Word of God.


Word and Sacrament

We are an orthodox Protestant Church. We preach the Bible and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, believing that Salvations comes by Grace through Faith. We also believe in the faithful administering of the Holy Sacraments.

Kids in Service

Training up the next generation is very important to us and what better way than the historic model of children seeing their parents worship. Our church is filled with young children and they are welcome in service with their parents even if it is a bit loud.

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The Church has a responsibility to spread the Gospel and raise up new churches. We are set to our mission. To bring the love of Christ to Calhan, to Eastern Colorado, and to the World. We are actively a part of planting and replanting churches across Eastern Colorado

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